How can I cancel my subscriptions at ready2order?

On this page you will find out everything you need to know about canceling your ready2order account.

All of our subscriptions renew automatically - so you don't have to remember to go through the hassle of renewing your cash register system. If you do want to cancel, you can do so for all annual subscriptions up to one month before renewal. You can cancel monthly subscriptions at any time.
If you want to use your cash register again later or keep your data for a tax audit, we recommend the POS archive service. You can find more information here.

You can find the cancellation form here:

Cancellation form.pdf

Please read the cancellation form carefully. Then send us the completed and scanned document via email ( to ready2order. If you decide to work with ready2order again, we will be happy to welcome you back at any time!

For data protection reasons, cancellation is only possible in writing from the email address stored in the account - cancellation by telephone is unfortunately not sufficient.
If you no longer have access to the email address, please contact our service team via In the Admin Interface, you can check which email address is stored for your account.
Please note that the hardware remains in your possession even in the event of cancellation and will not be taken back by us. Since ready2order only concludes contracts with businesses (B2B sales contracts), you have no right of withdrawal under consumer law.
Please note the following information if you are subject to the Austrian cash register requirement and would like to cancel your account.
We also answer your support requests via chat. Click here to go to the chat.

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