Terminal mode - use the readyGo as a payment terminal

Updated 4 months ago ​by

The readyGo is formerly known as the readyP2!
For our Swiss customers: The readyGo is not yet available in your country. However, the device will be available shortly. We thank you for your patience.

You can also use your readyGo as a card payment terminal (readyPay terminal).

The readyGo can therefore be used either with the ready2order cash register system (with the cash register system on the display, the printer and the card payment option) or as a pure card payment terminal.

As a pure card payment terminal, you can initiate payments from other devices (for example a readyMax or tablet) and make them on the readyGo.

You can find out how to link your readyGo as a readyPay terminal with your ready2order cash register system here.

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