How do I protect my ready2order account from unauthorized access?

To protect your ready2order admin and user accounts from unauthorized access by third parties, it is important to update your passwords regularly and choose strong passwords. You can also make settings in the Admin Interface to define password policies for your users (employees).

We'll show you how it works and what you should consider!

First of all: Here you will find detailed instructions on how to change your passwords.

How often should I update my passwords?

Since your admin account contains sensitive data, the password should be changed at least every 6 months. To be on the safe side, you will be reminded to change your password every three months in the administration interface.

User (Employee) passwords should be changed at least every 12 months or when they leave the company.

Attention: Change your admin password immediately if you think it has been viewed by non-administrators or your customers!

How do I choose a strong password?

High-performance computers can now try two billion passwords per second – hackers take advantage of this! Therefore, the more complicated and longer the password, the harder it is to crack.

How to choose a strong password:

  • It contains at least 10 characters including upper and lower case letters and special characters. The longer, the better!
  • It will not be used for any other access. You should use a different password for each online service. If another online service is hacked and the password is disclosed, it could otherwise be used to access your ready2order account.
  • It should not contain personal information such as birthdates, family names, pets or roommates, as this information can be found out on social media or in conversations.
  • It should not contain single long words, even if you replace a character with letters, e.g. "5" for "S", as these are very easy to guess.
  • No single words should be used alone, but a combination of several words is fine.

Here are some examples of strong and weak passwords:

strong password

weak password


("I prefer pizza with 2 ingredients plus extra cheese")

MaxMaxwell156(Name and number)


(Combination of any words, characters and numbers)


(Dog and birthday)


(words in various languages plus numbers and characters)


Tip: Managing passwords can be difficult. To make your life easier, we recommend installing a password manager. Your login details are stored and managed in encrypted form, and you only have to remember one password - the master password for the password manager. For security reasons, this application should only be installed on the manager's work device. Common password managers are Lastpass, 1Password or Bitwarden (free).

How do I set password policies for employee access?

In the Admin Interface you can set which password policies should apply to your access. These policies apply both to the admin password for the Admin Interface and to the employee passwords for the cash register interface:

Admin Interface > Preferences > Basic settings > Security > Password Policy

There you can choose from three security levels, which differ in the character length of the password:

  • Weak (at least 4 characters)
  • Medium (at least 6 characters)
  • Strict (at least 8 characters, must also contain at least one uppercase and lowercase letter, as well as one special character)

How do I update passwords for ready2order accounts?

As an admin you can change the password for the Admin Interface here:

Admin Interface > Preferences > Password

We recommend an extremely secure password with at least 10 characters!

You can edit your users' passwords for the cash register interface here:

Admin Interface > Users > Action (next to corresponding user) > Update > User data > Set Password

Here you will find detailed instructions on how to change all passwords.

Tip: With a Multi-Login PIN, your employees can quickly switch between user at the cash register! We have summarized how this works and how you can make changes here.
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