Manage user rights for users (e.g. block reports)

User rights are particularly useful when there are multiple users. Create new rights and assign them to the respective employees.

To create user rights, proceed as follows:

  1. Under the Users tab, click on User rights
  2. Click on the blue plus to create new user rights
  3. Name the user right and optionally enter a description for it
  4. Click Save
  5. In addition to the standard user right, the newly created user right appears
user rights are used to restrict the rights of employees or to assign different rights

Under the Name column you will find various user rights including a description of the respective user right.

By clicking on the " green check mark " or the " red X " you can activate or deactivate the rights.

Now you can make the newly created user right valid for an employee as follows:

  1. Click on Users
  2. Select the Action button at the desired user and click on Update
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. Under Rights, select the new user right
  5. Click Save

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