Create and manage price levels

To set prices for different areas or for customers, you need price levels.

In order to use the price levels, they must first be activated in the features. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Preferences.
  2. Click on Features.
  3. Activate Price levels.

Where can you find the price levels:

  1. Click on Products.
  2. Click on the blue plus.
  3. Click on Price Levels: You now have a choice of different categories to create price levels:
    1. Customers
    2. Customers groups
    3. Prices for tables
    4. Prices for table areas
    5. Prices for users
    6. Custom price levels

You can specify separate price levels for each of these categories.

You can imagine the following example: You have stored a price level with a price of €5 for the product "Cola" for the customers "Seán Ó Rudaí".
If you now select the product "Cola" in the checkout interface and then add the customer "Seán Ó Rudaí", the price will automatically be changed to €5.

Create Custom Price Levels

To create/manage custom price levels go to Preferences and select custom price levels.

You can also activate price levels for multiple products at the same time by:

  1. select the desired products in the product view on a page (check the box),
  2. then click on Action to the right above the table and select "Update custom price levels".
  3. Now a window opens where you enter the price level you just created,
  4. then select "Add",
  5. then enter the desired tax rate
  6. and finally click Save.
It is important to note that the price levels function only works in direct sales mode/checkout mode and not with normal tables.

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