How can I issue a payment receipt in the POS?

With ready2order you can easily create a payment receipt.

1) Mark invoices as "unpaid"

First, you can create a payment method in your Admin Interface that is "unpaid". To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the Admin Interface
  2. Under Products, select "payment methods" from the drop-down menu
  3. With the blue plus you can create a new payment method
  4. In the "Payment method" tab, define the type and name of your new payment method. If you want, you can also add a description that is only visible internally.
    We recommend calling the payment type "Unpaid" and categorizing it as a type in "Other"!
  5. Click on the "Settings" tab and set the slider for "Mark invoice as paid" to off (the slider should be grey instead of green!)
    In the other tabs you can make other settings if you want, for example custom invoice texts that will be printed on unpaid invoices.
  6. Click Save and this payment method will now appear in your checkout interface.
    If you cannot see the payment method immediately, we recommend that you refresh the POS once.

If you now have an unpaid invoice in your system and would like to link it to a payment receipt, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on invoices on the home screen
  2. Select the respective unpaid invoice
    If you have unpaid invoices, you will see the "open invoices" tab in the footer (written in red). This button shows you the unpaid invoices in your cash register system!
  3. Click on create new payment receipt in the left column
  4. Enter the sum of the deposit
  5. Click on Create payment receipt and confirm with OK

You can create as many payment receipts as you like for an outstanding invoice. As long as you do them in the manner described above, they will always be automatically linked to the correct invoice!

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