How can I create my FinanzOnline web service user?

In order to fulfill your signature requirement, we need a Finanzonline web service user with which we can register your cash register in FinanzOnline.

Below you will find instructions on how to create your FinanzOnline web service user in 4 simple steps!

  1. Go to and register
  2. Under Eingaben, select Registrierkassen
  3. Then under Benutzeranlage select Anlegen eines Benutzers für Registrierkassenwebservice
    1. Here you can now specify the “user data”:
      1. user identification: (e.g. RegK- user 1)
      2. pin code
      3. PIN repetition
  4. Finally, confirm with “Anlegen”
    1. A participant identification is now assigned
Please note your participant identification (Teilnehmeridentifikation), your user identification (Benutzeridentifikation) and your PIN!

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