I received a message that the automatic transmission of the annual receipt was not successful. What should I do?

In order for the annual receipt (Jahresbeleg) to be submitted correctly, three things are necessary:

  1. Your cash register must still be registered with FinanzOnline
  2. Your FinanzOnline web service user must still be active and stored at ready2order
  3. Your tax number and your FinanzOnline web service user must be assigned to the same FinanzOnline account
These requirements result in the following things, which can be checked by you or together with your tax advisor:
  • Is my ready2order cash register still registered as active at FinanzOnline?
  • Is the financial and tax number entered in my ready2order account correct?
    This is how you get your registered financial and tax number:
    • Log in to the administration interface
      • Click on Preferences
      • Click on Company data
      • Check for typos!
  • Is my FinanzOnline web service user still active? If in doubt, you or your tax advisor can create a new web service user - you can find instructions here
  • You then have to re-enter this at ready2order - you can find the instructions here

Now submit the annual receipt again:

  1. Log in to the Admin Interface
  2. Click on Preferences in the top right
  3. In the left tab, click on Signature requirement
  4. Then click on Submit annual receipt for .... now
    If an error message appears again, please check all points above again

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