I can't complete step 3 of the signature requirement because an error message appears. What does that mean?
There are different error messages and sources of errors.
Step 3 consists of 4 sub-steps
- Request certificate
- Register signature creation unit with FinanzOnline
- Register your cash register with FinanzOnline
- Initial document check at FinanzOnline
Sources of error in step 1: Request certificate
If you receive an error message in step 1, you have either entered an incorrect or incomplete UID number. If you do not have a UID number, it is possible that you have entered an incorrect financial and tax number.
The UID number must conform to the following format: ATU684368xx
The financial and tax number must correspond to the following format, although the spelling can often vary (with/without slash): 38/257/2311
The first two digits identify the tax office. Sometimes this is omitted. However, we need the complete financial and tax number! (Please add your tax office code if it is missing!)
You can change your UID number or financial and tax number under settings / company data / owner by clicking on the gray field.

Sources of error in step 2: Register signature creation unit with FinanzOnline
This is the first time that communication with FinanzOnline takes place. If this step fails, sub-steps 3 and 4 cannot be carried out either.
The following error messages occur:
"There is no power of attorney for tax purposes."
This usually means that your entered FinanzOnline web server user does not match your entered financial and tax number.
In this case, check in your FinanzOnline account whether the FinanzOnline web service user has been created correctly.
If you have not yet had anything to do with FinanzOnline, it is best to contact your tax advisor so that he can take care of it for you. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with this step because we do not have access to your data. But your tax advisor can!
"The classification term in the certificate is not assigned to the registering company. Please contact your trust service provider."
If this error message appears, you have provided us with an incorrect, incomplete UID number or financial and tax number that is not stored in your FinanzOnline account.
FinanzOnline uses the certificate to check whether all the data matches.