How can I reset the cash balance to zero?

Many customers want to start the new year with an empty cash balance. In this support article, we explain how you can reset your cash balance to zero!

  1. Log in to the POS
  2. Click on cashbook
  3. Copy this month's cash balance
  4. Click on "+ new expense"
  5. Now you have to fill out the following:
    1. Category
      1. Select "Cash to my bank" here
    2. Note
      1. Add a booking text here
    3. Total amount
      1. Paste the copied cash balance (from point 3) here
      Please make sure that there are no thousands separators here!
    4. VAT
      1. Select 0% here (tax free)
  6. Click Save

Your cash balance will now be set to EUR 0.00 and you can start your financial year again with this cash balance.

Please note that your cash balance in the cashbook must always correspond to your current cash balance in your cash drawer !

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your tax advisor.

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