Perform a data import

Have you already entered all customers and/or products and/or accounting codes in an Excel (.csv) table? Or have you already exported your products and/or customers from another account? We will show you how to import them.

You can also use this data import if you want to transfer products/customers from your account to another one 1:1. To do this, first export the data. Please note that it is not possible to export accounting codes.
Perform the daily closing before importing!

The error message "Operation is not allowed when daily report is open" is displayed if the day is still open in the cash register interface. Please close the day and try to import the data again.

Perform a data import

Use our template in the settings to import your products and/or customers and/or accounting accounts quickly and easily. But how do you get to the import? Follow these steps:

The data import only works if the daily closing is carried out!
  1. Click on Preferences
  2. Scroll down and click on Data Import
  3. Now you can download three import templates
    1. Import template for products
    2. Import template for customers
    3. Import template for accounting codes
    4. On the right in the Excel file uploader you can upload and save the edited templates
ALWAYS use the import template from ready2order! Otherwise your customers/products/accounting accounts will not be imported! Please ensure that the formatting is correct, otherwise problems may arise.

If you don't know what to do or are unsure, you can contact our support team ( at any time.

Using the import template for products, we will show you how the import works

Please note that for the purchase prices, only enter the gross or net price. The respective gross or net amount is then automatically calculated based on the sales tax entered. If you enter both the gross and net price, no import can be carried out as an error message is displayed.
  1. Download the import template by clicking on “ Download product import template ”.
  2. Now open the template in Excel
  3. You can already see 4 sample products in the template, with correct formatting
  4. Continue with your products as shown in the template
  5. For those fields where 0 or 1 was filled in, this stands for e.g.
    1. 1 : Manual pricing enabled
    2. 0 : Manual price entry deactivated , the entered price will be charged
  6. Always follow the template and work through all fields step by step
  7. In the following picture you can see how to fill out the import template
  8. Do this for all products
  9. Save the import template
An explanation of certain column names can be found below
If a suppliers name is specified, the columns for the purchase price are mandatory!

Once you have filled out the template, upload it. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the daily closing
  2. Log in to the Admin Interface
  3. Go to Settings and click Data Import in the menu bar
  4. When importing data, select "Customers", "Products" or "Accounting codes"
  5. Click on Select File to upload your Excel file
  6. The file appears under Uploaded Files
  7. Click on customers or import products or accounting codes
  8. Check the imported data in the import preview
  9. Click the green Import button to continue
  10. You can now see that the data has been imported successfully
  11. If an error has occurred in individual lines, you can download the incorrect lines, correct them and import them again

Why can't I upload my Excel file?

There are two common reasons why the Excel template import does not work:

  1. The format is not compatible. Only .xlsx and .csv formats can be used!
  2. You have not closed the day. Please close the day before importing data

Column labels in data import

All information about column names/column labels can be found here if you don't know what exactly you have to enter.

Our customer support (support@ ready2order .com) will be happy to answer any questions you may have

Here you will find instructions on how to export data. Please note that accounting accounts cannot be exported.

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