Create and manage product groups

To get a better overview of your products, you can add them to product groups.

To create a new product group, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Products tab, click product groups
  2. Click on the blue + next to product groups
  3. A new pop-up window will appear where you can enter various information about the product group:
    1. Name: Enter a name for the group
    2. Description: Here you can describe the group
    3. Short name: These are displayed on the checkout interface. It is recommended not to use more than 3 characters, as there is usually little space available on the checkout interface.
    4. Active: If the group is activated, it will be displayed in the cash register interface – otherwise not.
    5. Color: This serves for better orientation in the cash register interface.
    6. Type: What types are there within the product group?
    7. Subcategory of
      1. Use this function if you want to create a new category within an existing category.
  4. Press Save

For each product group there are the following symbols with the following meaning:

  1. Green +: This allows you to add a new subcategory of this product group
  2. Trash can: Use this to delete product groups
  3. Blue symbol: Click here to directly create a product in this product group
Note: If you delete a product group, the products can be found in the Admin Interface > Products > Unassigned

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