How can I print order receipts and create pickup vouchers?

This article will show you how to print receipts, how to set up pickup receipts and how to make settings for receipts.

The following settings must be made for all product groups with which you want to print receipts:

  1. Click on Product Groups under the Products tab
  2. Select a product group
  3. In the Printer field, enter your desired printer
  4. Click Save
  5. Continue with all product groups in this way
If you have already connected and created several printers, you can also select different printers here, such as bar or kitchen.

Order receipt settings

To access the receipt settings, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Preferences
  2. Click on Basic Settings
  3. Click on Vouchers

Here you will find all the important setting options for your vouchers. When these are activated, the following happens:

  • Prices on food receipts: Prices are printed on food receipts
  • Prices on drink receipts: Drinks are printed on drink receipts
  • Print product description on receipt: Product description is printed
  • Enable table transfer receipt: If a transfer takes place, it will be printed
  • Print product item number
  • Print table area on order receipt: e.g. garden, smoking or non-smoking
  • Print product type on receipt: e.g. drinks, meals or side dishes
  • Print order group on receipts: e.g. group 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • Activate product list on pickup receipt: Product list is activated
  • Blank lines before food receipt: How many blank lines should be printed? The options range from none to 6 blank lines
  • Blank lines before drink receipts: How many blank lines should be printed? The options range from none to 6 blank lines
  • Activate pickup receipt: see next chapter
  • Insert extra line between positions on food receipt: Should an extra line be printed?

Pick-up receipts

When ordering, a pickup voucher is issued to the customer. As soon as their order is ready, the customer can pick it up with their receipt. Pickup vouchers can only be activated for product types. If you want to activate pickup vouchers for several product groups, enter all product groups in the field.

To store product types for pick-up receipts, proceed as follows:

In the Admin Interface go to Preferences

Go to Basic settings

Select the tab Receipts

Scroll down to Activate pickup receipt

Select the desired product types

Click on Save

You can imagine pickup vouchers like at McDonald's. The customer pays for their order, waits until it is ready and then picks it up with the pickup voucher.
A printer must be set up for each product groups! (See the first point in this article).

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