How can I quickly switch between my accounts?

The quick company switch is a suitable tool for quickly switching between different accounts (companies) without employees having to log in and out again each time.

If you want to set up the quick change of company, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the white gear in the sidebar
  2. Click the button called App
  3. Under "Multiple Companies" click on the button named Set up
  4. A pop-up will open where you have to enter the following information:
    1. Company
    2. Username
    3. Password
  5. Click Connect us
  6. You will receive confirmation that it worked!

A new button will now appear at the top of your POS, which you can always use to quickly change companies.

If you press this button, you can quickly switch companies at any time. You will always see all the companies between which you can switch quickly and easily.

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