How do I make a payment using an external card terminal?

Customers of ready2order have the option of using card terminals from other providers. The prerequisite is that the terminal has a keyboard for manual price entry! Alternatively, you can also use terminals that you can connect to another smartphone and make the payment via the respective terminal app.

The following terminals can be used with the readyPay POS system: readyGo, readyMini Pay, SumUp Air (iOS/Android only), SumUp Solo (iOS/Android only)

We will show you how to make a card payment.

You can follow these steps:

  1. You need the payment method "card payment". If this does not yet exist in the POS, you can easily create the new payment method in the Admin Interface.
You can find instructions on how to do this in this support article.
  1. After you have selected the products in the order view of the POS, click on the payment method "Card payment" in the invoice view to settle the invoice.
  2. Now enter the desired amount on the card terminal. Now all you have to do is pay!
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