Browser update on your readyMax (T2s)

From January 30, 2025, you will no longer be able to use the ready2order POS system if your device does not use browser version 106 or higher.

A total of 3 steps are required for the browser update on your readyMax. It takes about 20 minutes and we recommend not performing the update during opening hours.

Update of the browser (Android System WebView)

Option A: You can still log in:

  1. Click on the white gear in the menu bar on the home screen to access the settings
  2. Select the item "App".
  3. Scroll down to the menu item "App Store" - Click on "Open".
  4. You will now see the "Android System Webview App". If it says "Update" next to the app, you can tap on it to update it. If it says "Open" next to the app, it is already up to date.
  5. Click on the circle in the system bar at the bottom to return to the ready2order app. Then restart the device if necessary.

Option B: You can no longer log in:

  1. Select "Open App Store" on your device.
  2. You will now see the "Android System Webview App" . If it says "Update" next to the app, you can tap on it to update it. If it says "Open" next to the app, it is already up to date.
  3. Click on the circle in the system bar at the bottom to return to the ready2order app. Then restart the device if necessary.

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