View and reprint reports in the POS

Here you will find a brief overview of all reports that can be viewed in the cash register interface.

To access the reports, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the "Reports" button on the home screen
  2. Here you will find the following reports about your current shift:
    1. Sales: How much sales were made in the opened shift? (1)
    2. Employee report: How much revenue did an employee make? (2)
      1. If you have hired several employees, there will also be several names here.
    3. Payment report: Which payment methods generated how much revenue? (3)
    4. Product groups report: How much revenue was generated by which product groups? (4)
    5. Product report: How much revenue was generated by which products? (5)
At the end of the day, you must complete a daily closing!

You are in the current shift (= today's daily business). You can tell this because the current shift is highlighted in dark color.

However, you can also switch to the archive by clicking on the archive button at the bottom right.


Here you can find various reports:

  1. Product reports
  2. Product groups reports
  3. Employee reports
  4. Payment methods reports
  5. PDF- daily reports

To reprint a report, simply select the date for which you want to print the report. You will then be asked if you really want to print the report. Click "OK" and the report will be printed.

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