How do I create a multi-login or PIN?

The multi-login enables a quick change in the cash register interface.

For example, if you run a small business with one cash register, the employee only has to enter the multi-login code to change the user in the cash register.

To activate the multi-login and the PIN, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Users
  2. Click on Actions and Update for the respective user or add a new user with the blue +
  3. Click on the Multi-Login tab
  4. Assign a pin (in our example 222)
  5. Enable multi-login root user
Only 1 root user per layer is required!
  1. Click Save

How is multi-login used?

Log in to the POS.

IMPORTANT: The root user must be logged in to the cash register.
In our example, John is logged in, he goes on break, for example, and Kate takes over the cash register.

To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. You are now in the checkout of John
  2. Click on the red lock on the standard version
    In the table overview, click on the red lock in the Gastro version
  3. The multi-login opens
  4. Enter the pin
  5. Click on Let's go
  6. You see that Kate is now logged in

All information about the security of your password can be found here.

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