Make adjustments and settings for tables

With ready2order you can adapt the buttons of the tables in your cash register to your needs.

To adjust the settings of your tables, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the white gear in the sidebar
  2. Click on the button called tables

In this view you can make various settings.

Quick access invoices

If you activate this button, a button will be displayed in the order view that will take you straight to the invoices.

Standard table area

Here you can set which table area should be opened first when you switch to the order view.

For example, if you usually have several guests indoors, it makes sense to set the indoor area as the standard table area.

Number of columns

Here you can determine how many table buttons you want to see in a row.

If you use a small device (e.g. smartphone) as a cash register, it is recommended that you select fewer columns.

Height of table buttons

Here you can adjust the size of the table buttons. "Medium" is the default setting!

Check out

Here you can select a specific table, which will be opened immediately when you log into the cash register. This means that the table view is skipped and you always go to the table selected here.

We recommend that you leave the check-out function set to automatic. This way you can always select the table that is currently being used by your guests.
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