Stock / inventory management

Regular inventory counting can be tedious and involves a lot of effort. We will show you how you can use ready2order to get an overview of the stock and inventory changes, making inventory easier for you.

Please note that all your products must have stock activated in order to appear on the lists.

Overview of the stock

  1. Enter the Admin Interface
  2. Under the Products tab, you will find the Stock tab. Here you will find an overview of your products.
  3. Now you have the option to print out an inventory list in PDF format or as an Excel table. This shows you the current stock, the safety stock and the reorder level.

Another way to get an overview of the stock would be:

  1. Admin Interface --> Preferences
  2. Click on Data export --> Core data --> Export all products (Excel file)

Overview of inventory changes

If you would like to see the stock movements, you can click on the blue i on the right next to a product of your choice in the stock overview and download the PDF. In this PDF, you can see the stock changes.

It is also possible to create your own report in your statistics, which gives you an overview of the inventory changes.

  1. To do this, go to the Admin Interface
  2. Click on Statistics
  3. In the middle of the statistics overview, select "Create custom report"
  4. Now enter a time period (day, month, year). You can choose what you want to have on your report. If the bar is green, then it will be added to the report.

To complete your inventory, all you have to do is compare your stock list with the inventory changes list.

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