How do I use the barcode scanner on my readyGo?

The readyGo is formerly known as the readyP2!
For our Swiss customers: The readyGo is not yet available in your country. However, the device will be available shortly. We thank you for your patience.

How to use the barcode scanner on the readyGo:

The barcode scanner in the readyGo supports EAN and UPC standards.

How to activate your camera scanner:
  1. Go to ready2order home screen
  2. Go to Settings (gear wheel)
  3. Go to the menu item Ordering
  4. Scroll down to Camera Scanner (iOS and Android) and enable the function
  5. When you enter the POS, the barcode symbol will appear on the top left side. Click on it to scan something!
You can also use the scanner to create products or scan a coupon code – the function is automatically activated here.

These articles might also be of interest:

How can I add barcodes to products?

Take orders with the camera scanner

You can find all support articles about the payment function readyPay here!

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