Column names in the data import

  1. Here we explain what the different column designations in the product import template mean.
  2. Ready2order ID

You do not need to fill in this field if you are importing a product for the first time.

If you want to update your products, you can do this by exporting the products, making the changes and importing the products again.

Based on the Ready2order ID, the system recognizes that these are not new products.

Here you can find all information about data export.

  1. External reference (ID)
    You do not need to fill in this field.
    If you export and then import a product, the products are recognized by their "ready2order ID" and updated with the new data.
    However, if there is an external reference to the products ("External reference (ID)"), a new product is created, regardless of whether the "ready2order ID" is specified or not.
  2. Item number
    This field is not mandatory!
    If your products have article numbers, add them here. If you don't have any but need some, then label the field with 1,2,3,4,5,6, ...
  3. Barcode
    Barcode = Barcode
    You do not need to fill in this field if your products do not have a barcode
  4. Product name
    Product name e.g. chicken Wiener schnitzel
  5. Alternative name on receipt
    You can use this column if you want something else to appear on your receipts

Product name

Alternative article description on order receipt

Wiener Schnitzel from Chicken

Schnitzel Chicken

Fried chicken with rice and cucumber salad

Menu 1 / Chicken w. rice & cucum.. sal.

  1. Alternative name on POS screen
    You can fill in this column if you want the product to be labeled differently in the checkout interface.

Product name

Alternative article description on order receipt

Wiener Schnitzel from Chicken

Schnitzel Chicken

Fried chicken with rice and cucumber salad

Menu 1

  1. Product description
    Product names are only displayed in the administration interface, NOT on the receipts or invoices! This function is for internal purposes only
  2. Manual price
    If you have not set a fixed price for a product, you can activate manual price entry. How to activate/deactivate this function:

    write a "0" to deactivate the product
    write a "1" to activate the product
If you have deactivated manual price entry, you must fill in the fields "Price, VAT, Price basis".
  1. Manual quantity input
    Manual quantity entry is used so that you have to enter a quantity when placing an order. How to activate/deactivate this function:

    write a "0" to deactivate the product
    write a "1" to activate the product
If you have deactivated manual quantity entry, the product is normally selected once. If you have activated it, you can choose how often you want to select the product

  1. Price, VAT, price base
    If manual price entry is deactivated, you must enter a price, the VAT and the price basis (gross/net).
  2. Product activated
    If a product is deactivated, it will not be displayed in the cash register. It cannot be found in the cash register or under products.

    write a "0" to deactivate the product
    write a "1" to activate the product

  1. Favorite
    If you mark a product as a "Favorite", this product will appear in the checkout interface in a window for "Favorites" (yellow star).

    So you can find your favorite products immediately.

  1. Accounting code

    You can find out how to add account numbers in the administration interface here. You can now add the product to an account.

    For example: Cappuccino --> 4000 Revenues 20%

  1. Sold out

    With this function, certain products will be visible in the cash register interface, but they cannot be added to the invoice. (These products are highlighted in red).

  1. Product variations enabled

    You have the option of creating product variations when importing products.

    write a "0" to deactivate the product
    write a "1" to activate the product

Product name

Variation 1

Variation 2

Variation 3

Wiener Schnitzel








Ice cream




  1. Product ingredients activated

    This function is helpful and important if you want to track the stock of your products and their components.

    write a "0" to deactivate the ingredients
    write a "1" to activate the ingredients

Product name


White splash

wine, soda


1 banana, 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, almond slivers

  1. Enable stock
    write a "0" to deactivate the stock
    write a "1" to activate the stock
  2. Stock, reorder level , safety stock, product unit
  • Stock level

Indicate how much of a product you have in stock for a better overview

  • Reorder level: You can set a reminder as soon as there are too few products in your warehouse.

Example: Reorder level of Coke 20: as soon as you reach 20 units of Coke, you will receive a message

  • Safety stock: Minimum stock of Fanta is 10. A message appears and you can no longer sell Fanta
  • Product unit: Kilo, gram, ton, liter, mililiter, centiliter, hour, piece, centimeter, meter, cubic meter, square meter, cubic meter, bottle, bag, pallet, can, bag, pair,
  1. Product group
    Attention mandatory field! Enter a product group
    for example:
    for salad --> side dishes
    for cola --> drinks/non-alcoholic drinks
    for a white polo shirt --> T-shirts/shirts
    for cigarettes --> other
  2. Product type
    Is your product a food, a drink or other? For food choose food, for drinks choose drink. This can also be seen in the import template.

  1. Product color
    In the checkout interface, you can mark your products with different colors.
    You can use these colors: bgBlue, bgBrown, bgCoral, bgFuchsia, bgGold, bgGreen, bgYellow-Green, bgLight blue, bgLight brown, bgLight green, bgOrange, bgPink, bgPurple, bgRed
  2. Express mode
    Products are printed immediately without billing. This is particularly important for waiters at the bar.
  3. Highlight product on receipt
    write "0" to deactivate this function
    write "1" to activate this function
  4. Create product with variants
    If you activate this option, you MUST select a side dish in the cash register interface when taking the order
    Example: Someone orders the lunch menu. The customer must select a side dish
  5. Sort index
    In this column, you can choose the order in which the imported products should be displayed in the checkout.
    Use the numbers 1,2,3,4, ... to sort the products
  6. Product discountable
    write "0" to deactivate this function
    write "1" to activate this function
    This determines whether the product is discountable or not
  7. Supplier data
    To import your suppliers, please enter at least the supplier name, the purchase price sales tax and the net and/or gross purchase price (please do not enter a supplier ID).

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