Create your own price levels and add them to a product (take-away)

Price levels are particularly essential in Germany, as a lower tax rate is charged for take-away products in the German gastronomy.

Create price levels

To create price levels, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Preferences.
  2. Click on Custom Price Levels (if this button is not displayed, go to Features and activate the Price Levels slider).
  3. Click on the blue plus to make a new entry.
  4. Enter a label.
  5. Enter a description.
  6. Enable Take-Away
  7. Click Save.
In Germany, customers only pay 7% for take-away meals, but if customers consume in the restaurant the tax rate is 19%. The separate price levels are suitable for this.

Add price level to a product

Now you can add the created price level to a product.

To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Products
  2. Edit a product (click on the yellow pencil)
  3. Click on the Price Levels tab
  4. Click on Custom price levels
  5. Select your created price level, in our example Take-Away
  6. Select the desired tax rate
  7. If necessary, enter an account
  8. Click Save Changes

The product has now been created with the price level. In the next step we create quick access for the price level.

Quick access for created price levels

To activate the price levels as quick access for the POS proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Preferences
  2. Click on Quick Access
  3. Activate Price Levels on a button of your choice
  4. Click Save

Your price levels will now appear in the checkout. We'll show you where!

Own price levels in the checkout (POS)

You will now find a button with price levels in the POS.

  1. Select the product
  2. Click on price levels
  3. Select Take-Away .

You can see that the price has been reduced from 4,90 euros to 3,90 euros.

Price levels can be set separately for all products.
The price levels can only be used at a check out table in gastronomy .

You can set a table as a check out table in the following way:

  1. Go to the administration and select Tables.
  2. Select a table and edit it by pressing the yellow pen.
  3. Go to Settings and enable checkout mode

You then have the option to add the price levels button to the checkout table. You can find out how to do this here

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