How secure is my password?

A strong password is important to protect your accounts. We give you tips on how to create a secure password!

Change admin password

Admin Password: Your password that you use to log into the Admin Interface .

You can change the admin password under settings --> password

Password severity

In the settings under basic settings --> Security , you can set the severity level and change the maximum session duration in the checkout interface.

  • Weak
    The password must be at least 4 characters long
  • Medium
    The password must be at least 6 characters long
  • Strong
    The password must be at least 8 characters long
    The password must contain at least one lowercase letter
    Password must contain at least one capital letter
    The password must contain at least one non-alphanumeric character

How do I choose a password?

  1. We recommend that you use at least 10 characters for your admin password
  2. Use uppercase and lowercase letters and special characters
Your password should not be found in a dictionary or related to you (e.g. birthdays, names, family members, pets, place of residence/cities)
  1. Make sure your password is not too simple. The more compact the better!
    Here are some examples of strong and weak passwords:

strong password

weak password

AleiPm2Z + eK ( " I prefer pizza with 2 ingredients plus extra cheese " )

MaxMustermann1 (name and number)

Box_Window+Apple5Cloud! (combination of any words, characters and numbers)

Bello1302 (Dog and Birthday)

Restaurant-CAR-Correct_24!Horse (English and German words plus numbers and symbols)


  1. Create a password that you do not use for any other account with the same email address
  2. Last but not least, be careful about storing your password.
    If you use ready2order on a desktop, you can also use a password manager .
With the help of a password manager (password or password management), your access data is stored and managed in encrypted form. If you are considering a password manager, we recommend that your password be at least 20 characters long
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