Technical helper-account for tax-advisor-export

A technical helper-account (also called a money transit account, intermediate account or interim account) is required for the accounting export. This auxiliary account is necessary to avoid rounding errors when different tax rates or payment methods are used. Bookings are therefore not booked directly, but always go through the helper-account.

If you carry out a DATEV export , the helper-account will be displayed in the table (this is how you carry out a data export). This is not a problem, as the account is neutralized with each booking so that a 0 amount remains at the end.

What is the number of the technical helper-account?

  1. In Austria, 9999 is used as standard
  2. In Germany, depending on the account framework used, either 1460 (SKR 04) or 1360 (SKR 03) is used

Change helper-account:

To configure your auxiliary account, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Preferences
  2. Click on Basic settings
  3. Enter the correct number for the technical helper-account, e.g. 1460 if you use the account framework SKR 04
  4. If you issue invoices for customers from abroad that are exempt from VAT, you can also enter an Accounting code for reverse charge
  5. Click Save

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