Add or change tax rate

Updated 1 month ago ​by

Would you like to change the tax rate for one or more products? No problem, you can easily create or change it in the Admin Interface!

First, we show you in this video how you can adjust the tax rates of your products in the Admin Interface:

Before changing the tax rates, close the cash register. You can now make the changes and then reopen the day.

You can change your tax rates retrospectively, add new tax rates and edit multiple tax rates at once. Find out how under the important yellow note!

Please note that after successfully changing the tax rates, you must restart the app (to rule out errors in the transfer to the POS)

The tax rate of some products has changed, how do I update the tax rate in the system?

To update the tax rate, you must first log in to the Admin Interface.

  1. Click on Products
  2. Select the respective product by clicking on the yellow pencil (edit) to the right of the product
  3. Under VAT, click on the drop-down menu and select the desired tax rate
  4. Click Save
  5. Follow these steps for all products where you want to change the tax rates
  6. Please note that after successfully changing the tax rates, you must restart the app to rule out errors in the transfer to the POS)

To change the tax rate of several products at the same time, proceed as follows:

  1. Check the box on the left next to the products whose tax rate you want to change
    1. Check the box in the top left row to select all products on this page at once
  2. Click on the drop-down menu in the top right corner labeled "Action "
  3. Scroll down in the dropdown to the created tax rates
  4. Select the desired tax rate
  5. Confirm the pop-up "Do you really want to change tax rates to ..%?" with OK
  6. The tax rate is now stored for all selected products
  7. Please note that after successfully changing the tax rates, you must restart the app to rule out errors in the transfer to the POS)

You can also add new tax rates. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click on settings
  2. Select Accounting from the menu on the left
  3. Now click on the Tax Rates tab
  4. Click on the green + for active tax rates
  5. Enter the desired tax rate as a number without the percent symbol
  6. Optionally enter an account
  7. Click Save
  8. Please note that after successfully changing the tax rates, you must restart the app to rule out errors in the transfer to the POS)
Here we show you how to define tax rates

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