Create, manage and sell coupon in the Admin Interface

With ready2order it is very easy to create and manage vouchers.

If you want to export your vouchers, you can find the appropriate article here

There are the following ways to deal with the coupon system:

  1. Create a new voucher for sale (single-purpose or multi-purpose coupon)
  2. Enter an existing coupon in the system

Create a new single-purpose coupon for sale

A single-purpose coupon is a coupon where you have specified the exact VAT rate of the goods or services for which it is valid.

You create this coupon as follows:

  1. Log in to the Admin Interface
  2. Under the Products tab, click on Coupons
  3. Click on the blue +
  4. Click on Create new coupon for sale . The following mandatory fields are required here:
    1. Name
    2. Price
      Here you can enter a fixed price for the voucher or select "Manual pricing"
    3. Product Type
    4. Product group
    5. Tax rate
      For each product/service that has a different tax rate, a separate single-purpose voucher must be created
  5. Click on Save. If you can now sell the voucher in your checkout interface, the creation was successful
A single-purpose coupon is a coupon where the place of delivery of the goods or provision of the services to which the coupon refers and the VAT due on these goods or services are established at the time the coupon is issued. If a single-purpose coupon is transferred by a taxable person acting in his own name, this is deemed to be a delivery of the goods or provision of the services to which the coupon refers. The subsequent (actual) provision of the service (redemption) is then no longer taxable. (Source)

Create a multi-purpose coupon for sale

A multi-purpose coupon can be used for any number of goods or services. The VAT rate is automatically set to 0%.

You create this coupon as follows:

  1. Log in to the Admin Interface
  2. Under the Products tab, click on Coupons
  3. Click on the blue +
  4. Click on Create New coupon for sale. The following mandatory fields are required here:
    1. Name
    2. Price
      Here you can enter a fixed price for the voucher or select "Manual pricing"
    3. Product Type
    4. Product group
    5. Tax rate
      Since this is a multi-purpose voucher, the tax rate must be defined as 0%
  5. Click on Save. If you can now sell the voucher in your checkout interface, the creation was successful
If a single-purpose coupon is transferred by a taxpayer acting in his own name, this is considered a delivery of the goods or services to which the coupon refers. The subsequent (actual) provision of the service (redemption) is then no longer taxable. The opposite is true for multi-purpose coupon ; here, the subsequent performance of the service is taxable instead of the transfer. (Source)

Enter an existing coupon

To enter an existing coupon in the system, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the Admin Interface
  2. Under the Products tab, click on Coupons
  3. Click on the blue +
  4. Click on Enter Existing coupon
    1. Coupon group: Which coupon group does the coupon belong to?
    2. Code: Voucher code
    3. Description: Description of the voucher
    4. Amount: Voucher amount
    5. VAT: If the voucher was already taxed when it was sold, enter the tax rate here. If the voucher is only taxed when it is redeemed, you must leave the tax rate at 0%
    6. Issued on: When was the voucher issued?
    7. Valid until: If this line is left blank, the voucher is valid indefinitely
    8. Search customers: If a voucher was created for a customer, use this function
  5. Change the value of an existing coupon:
  • Click on Products --> Coupons and next to the desired coupon on Action --> Transaction and then on the black plus
  • Enter the contributions that will be added (positive amount) or subtracted (negative amount)

Where can I find the coupon codes/barcode on the invoice?

Now coupon can be sold. A coupon code is now stored on the invoice. This code is required when redeeming the coupon.

Instructions on how to redeem vouchers can be found under "A customer wants to redeem a coupon , how do I proceed?"

Please note that it is only possible to redeem coupon codes with numbers!

Activate barcode

To activate the coupon barcode, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to settings in the administration interface
  2. Click on basic settings > coupon e
  3. Set the slider next to Barcode for coupon on invoice print to green
  4. From now on, the barcode will always appear on the receipt

This is the end result:

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