How can I charge deposits on my products?

With ready2order you can easily create a deposit in the Admin Interface.

For this, 2 products must be created:

  • New product called deposit
  • New product called deposit return

Create a deposit

To create a new product, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Admin Interface
  2. Click on Products
  3. Click on the product group for which the deposit is to be created
  4. Click on the blue + next to Products
  5. Enter the name Deposit or Deposit Return
  6. Enter the following as price
    1. For deposit: a positive amount, e.g. 1
    2. For deposit return: a negative amount, e.g. -1
  7. Choose product type deposit or deposit refund
  8. Both are not eligible for discounts
  9. Click Save
The deposit and the deposit returned must have the same value (one positive and one negative) so that the result when the deposit is redeemed is 0.
You can also create a product group called Deposit and add the products Deposit and Deposit Return to it. This way you can find them more quickly if deposits are not only charged on one product group.

Apply deposit at POS

If you now sell products with a deposit in the checkout interface, you charge the deposit for each product. If the deposit is returned, you charge the deposit back and the deposit is deducted from the total amount. Take a look at the following example:

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