Set menu in courses in the Admin Interface

If your guests would like to dine in different courses, we will show you a short guide here.

First, choose the number of menu courses you want to offer. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Preferences in the Admin Interface
  2. Click on Basic settings
  3. In the tab General scroll to Number of menu courses
  4. Select the desired quantity
  5. Click Save

To use the menu course selection, you must activate it. Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Preferences
  2. Click on Features
  3. Enable Menu course selection

Now you can apply the course sequence directly in the POS, as you can see in the example below.

  1. First select a table
  2. Click the icon with the three vertical stripes at the top right of the POS.
  3. Choose a course
  4. Add products
  5. Select 2nd course
  6. Add products
  7. If necessary, select 3rd course
  8. Add products
  9. Click Submit
On the current invoice (left) you can see the different menu courses.

Print menu courses on order receipts

In order for the menu courses to be listed on the order receipts, the type "Meals" must be defined under product groups.

If menu courses are not listed, this is an indication that the product groups configuration is incorrect. To ensure that the product groups have been configured correctly, please do the following:

  1. Log in to your Admin Interface
  2. In the Products tab, click product groups
  3. Now select the affected product groups
  4. Switch the type to "Food" by selecting the Food type from the dropdown menu
  5. Click Save
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