Connect iOS device to printer via Bluetooth

Updated 4 months ago ​by

Important note on using Bluetooth: ready2order Support recommends that you do not connect more than one printer to your input device via Bluetooth, as this may otherwise cause connection problems. You can set up additional printers via LAN, for example.

In just a few steps, we will show you how to connect your Bluetooth printer to your iOS device:

  1. Turn on your printer
  2. Open the Settings on your device
  3. Click on the Bluetooth menu item and activate the switch
  4. Wait a few seconds. You should then find the printer under Other Devices
  5. Click on the newly found printer. The printer should then be connected successfully
    Attention! For Star SM-S230i the pairing password is "1234".
  6. Open the ready2order POS app and log in
  7. Click on the Settings (gear)
  8. You can add the printer to an existing or new print profile

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