My Bluetooth printer is not connected. Why is that?

Updated 4 months ago ​by

Important note on using Bluetooth: ready2order Support recommends that you do not connect more than one printer to your input device via Bluetooth, as this may otherwise cause connection problems. You can set up additional printers via LAN, for example.

First, you need to check whether you are connected to the desired printer via Bluetooth.

If the printer does not print, there may be the following reasons:

Is the printer plugged in and turned on?

  • Of course, the printer should also be switched on, otherwise the ready2order software cannot connect to the printer

Have you enabled Bluetooth on your printer?

  • There are printers that also support WIFI features, so if you want to connect the printer via Bluetooth it is important that this function is also set

Is the printer connected to your device via Bluetooth?

  • To do this, please go to settings on your device and check the Bluetooth connection to your printer.

If you cannot solve the problem, reconnecting usually helps

If everything is connected correctly, you can proceed as follows:

  1. In the POS, click on Settings (gear)
  2. Under Printer, select either Add Printing Profile to create a new printing profile and select the printer, or under Existing Profiles, select the profile in which you want to add the printer

If you need further help, the following articles might be helpful:

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