Different groups of guests are sitting at one table, how can I take separate orders?

It often happens that there is only one large table free, but two different groups of guests come and sit together at this table. In theory, the shared table is needed as separate tables.

Take orders from different groups

To place orders by group, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on a table and place an order as usual
  2. The order is always automatically booked to group 1
  3. You can always find the group under the table name
  4. Click Submit
  5. To create an order for another group, click on the table again
  6. Click on Order
  7. Click on Group 1 under the table name
  8. Now there is Group 2
  9. You can issue vouchers again as usual
You can seat up to five different groups at one table!

Billing for different groups

Different groups want to pay separately. That's why you can charge per group, even if the other group is still in your restaurant and is ordering something. Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the table where different groups are sitting
  2. Click on Pay
  3. Select the group that wants to pay
  4. Calculate
  5. For the other group, you can now either settle bills, take further orders or do nothing
For example, if only group 2 is present, you can perform all actions for this group that you perform for separate tables.

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