Helpful settings on the readyGo and readyMax

Information for customers from Switzerland: the readyGo/readyMax is not yet available in your country. We are working on making our devices available in Switzerland.

We show you some settings that can help you in your everyday life:

First, you have to go to the settings. To do this, follow these instructions:
How do I access the device settings on my readyGo?
How do I access the device settings on my readyMax?

Show the battery level in percent



  1. Go to settings
  2. Press battery
  3. Select Show battery percentage by setting the slider on the right to green

This is not possible on the readyMax because the device is constantly plugged in and not mobile!

Change font size - enlarge and reduce


readyMax (only available on readyMax [T2S] and not on the older device [T2]

  1. Go to settings
  2. Under Devices, press Display
  3. In font size you can now make the font smaller or larger
  4. With Display Size you can reduce or enlarge the elements on your screen
  1. Go to settings
  2. Press display
  3. With Font size you can now make the font smaller or larger
  4. With Display size you can reduce or enlarge the elements on your screen

Change the font size of the receipts

Note: Larger font sizes also use more paper (readyGo uses considerably more paper).


readyMax (only available on readyMax [T2S] and not on the older device [T2]

  1. Go to settings
  2. Scroll down to device settings
  3. Click on the "Integrated Printer" section
  4. Select the "Print type settings"
  5. Enable "Double font height" and disable "Bold font"

If the font is too pale, you can go back a step and increase the print density

  1. Go to settings
  2. Select the "System" tab
  3. Click on the "Integrated Printer" section
  4. Select "Print type settings"
  5. Enable "Double font height"
Important: Be careful with the other settings in this area, because they can have a strong impact on the formatting, ruin the print image and, in the worst case, damage the printer itself!

Enable/disable hibernation



  1. Go to settings
  2. Under Device, press Display
  3. In the third point, sleep mode, you can set after how many seconds or minutes the device should go into sleep mode

You have these options:

  • 15 seconds, 30 seconds
  • 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes
  • Never
  1. Go to settings
  2. Select Display
  3. In the third point Sleep you can set after how many seconds or minutes the device should go into sleep mode

You have these options:

  • 1 minute, 2 minutes
  • 10 minutes, 30 minutes
  • one week

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